Sandeep Maheshwari Vs Dr Vivek Bindra Controvery has become the Talks of the Town and Now, it is Trending after Sandeep Maheshwari Exposed Dr Vivek Bindra in a Big Way. On the other Side Vivek Bindra puts Allegations on Sandeep Maheshwari based on Times of India and Hindustan Times Ad.

About Times of India Ad: This ImagesBazaar (Company runs by Sandeep Maheswari) Ad talks about How his Vision of Building Largest Stock Photography Company in the World with thousands of clients in more than 48 Countires and How their Images are used by all leading Brands. Also, They Thanked Photographers and Clients for being with them and Trusting in them.
About Hindustan Times Ad: Also, There is one more Ad by Sandeep Maheshwari on the Front Page of Hindustan Times Newspaper. The Ad is about One-One-One Business Coaching for Top Executives. This is about How Sandeep Maheshwari is Charging around Rs 9 Lakh for his Coaching Session for Top Companies. So, Again This Ad is for Top Companies who wants to take Consultation from Sandeep Maheshwari.

So, Dr Vivek Bindra is Putting Wrong Allegations on Such Simple Marketing Ad Run by Sandeep Maheshwari. Dr. Vivek Bindra is Saying how Sandeep Maheswari is Running his Images Business Side by Side and Saying He is not Monetizing his YouTube Channel.
But the Fact is the Audiences who are Connected with Sandeep Maheswari is not related to their Imagesbazaar business and No one from their Audiences are their Clients. They Clients are Just Big Companies. So, Vivek Bindra’s Point is Totally Meaningless. What’s your thoughts on this, do let us know in comments.