MTV Hustle 2.0 Grand Finale competition happened among the Top 5 Finalists Contestants named Gravity, Paradox, MC Square, Nazz and Spectra. After the Public Voting in Top 5 Finalists last week, Here we got the of MTV Hustle 2.0 Winner Name, 1st Runner Up and 2nd Runner Up. See the Golden Trophy, Prize Money given to them.

MTV Hustle 2.0 Grand Finale aired on 6th November 2022 Episode where one more last time Top 5 Finalists have competed in a grand finale. At the End Public Voting results have been announced and we got to know the MTV Hustle 2.0 Winner Name, 1st Runner Up and 2nd Runner Up.
It was one of the finest seasons of MTV Hustle 2.0 where we found very talented Hip Hop Artists, excellent Poetry Writer and rappers. It was really tough for judge Badshah and squad bosses Dee MC, EPR, Dino James and King to select the best by giving them scores.
MTV Hustle 2.0 Winner Name 2022 | Grand Finale
MTV Hustle 2.0 Finalists Gravity, Paradox, MC Square, Nazz and Spectra competed very strong in a grand finale. Finally, Grand Finale Public Voting results Announced.
MTV Hustle 2.0 TOP 5 Finalists: Gravity, Paradox, MC Square, Nazz and Spectra
MTV Hustle 2.0 Winner Name 2022 – MC Square
MTV Hustle 2.0 1st Runner Up – Paradox
MTV Hustle 2.0 Grand Finale Public Voting results announced by Judge Badshah where Winner and Runners up names have been revealed with their Trophy and Prize Money rewards. MTV Hustle 2.0 Grand Finale have been Already shot and Winner Name have been leaked. 21 years old Haryana Boy MC Square is the Winner of MTV Hustle Season 2.0

Many Congratulations MC Square for Winning the Ultimate Title of MTV Hustle 2.0, You are Well Deserved!
Winning Prize – MTV Hustle 2.0 Winner MC Square gets 10 Lakh Rupees Price Money
Many Congratulations to MTV Hustle 2.0 Winner MC Square and Runner Up Paradox.